Bring Your Own License (BYOL) products on Docker Hub

What is Bring Your Own License (BYOL)?

Bring Your Own License (BYOL) allows customers with existing software licenses to easily migrate to the containerized version of the software that you make available on Docker Hub.

To see and access the BYOL product listing of an Independent Softare Vendor (ISV), customers simply subscribe to the product with their Docker ID. We call this Ungated BYOL.

ISVs can use the Docker Hub as an entitlement and distribution platform for their various audiences, such as:

  • Existing customers that want their licensed software made available as Docker containers.
  • New customers that are only interested in consuming their software as Docker containers.

Ungated BYOL

Prerequisites and setup

To use Docker as your fulfillment service, an ISV must:

Creating an ungated BYOL plan

In Plans & Pricing section of the Publisher Center, ensure the following:

  • Price/Month should be set to $0
  • There should be no free trial associated with the plan
  • Under the Pull Requirements dropdown, “Subscribed users only” should be selected.

What’s next?

More information about the publishing flow can be found here.

Docker, docker, hub, purchase images